Last update: 2024-01-05
A lot of people ask if their event is a Washington State Elementary State Qualifier. Events themselves are not qualifiers, but rather each section within an event can be a qualifier, so it is possible for an event to have multiple sections where some are qualifiers and others are not. It is not necessary to apply to be a qualifier, and actual qualification cannot be established before the event is played, but rather only after an event is complete and rated. All sections automatically become qualifiers if they meet the following criteria:
- It must be played in the state of Washington
- It must be rated in the NWSRS
- The section must have at least 3 school codes represented
- The section must have at least 6 players
- The section must be at least 4 rounds
- The event must have been played before the cut-off date for state elementary qualifiers.
- Gender restricted and rating restricted events are allowed, but the rating restriction must be no lower than 700.
There are of course individual requirements for the players who play in these events to qualify for state. Most important of these is the requirement that a qualified player must have a final score in the tournament that is greater than half the number of rounds in the tournament, unless the player is in kindergarten and playing in a multi-grade section.
It is worth noting that a section can be mixed with students who are both elementary and higher grades and still be a state qualifier for the students in grades K-6. So, for example, if there was a section in a tournament that allowed students in grades 6-9 and only one 6th grader played in the section, but he/she scored the requisite number of points, that section would still be a state qualifier for the 6th grader.