A utility (changes.exe) was added on 3-14-2007 that simplifies finding changes made to school codes, name spellings, grade codes or even new school codes you made up. You are not required to run changes.exe before submitting your results, but you are required to document any changes you make in a separate note or e-mail to me. This program just makes it easier to find the changes you did make.
Attention TD's — Download TDdata.zip (updated daily!) for a complete package of TD utilities and the latest NWSRS ratings.
The Registration Program replaces the old SwissMix check-in program. There are three versions of the registration program available in this file. See its ReadMe.txt file for details. The program has gone past the point of being an alternative to SwissMix and is now the main option (I'm not sure SwissMix will work with the expanded ratings database).
The Awards program has been re-written to work with the newer versions of SwissSys and with the larger allcodes list. The new Awards program is also contained in this .zip file along with a readme to explain it. For more information on the new registration program, please read about the New Registration Program