TD Resources

Advice on Running a Tournament
Jon Licht wrote this article in Sept 2006 with helpful suggestions on running a chess tournament.

Running a Tournament

Download Tools and Rating Files
These are the software tools and files required to run an NWSRS rated tournament. Tournament Directors must download the latest rating files and school code list prior to every tournament.

How to Submit an Event for NWSRS Rating

Instructions and Tips for Tournament Directors
New and veteran TDs can benefit from these step-by-step instructions that take you from registration to rating, with tips for smoother-running tournaments and cleaner data.

Is My Event a WA State Elementary State Qualifier?

NWSRS Rated Event Requirements
NWSRS isn't just for "big" tournaments! But there are some baseline requirements to ensure quality and accuracy. Find out how to get quads, two-school meets, league matches and post-camp events rated.

Registration Program

Tiebreaks and Check-In
What do tiebreaks and check-in have to do with each other? You might be surprised.

Frequently Asked Questions: TD Resources

Question: What do I need to do to get my event rated by the NWSRS?
Answer: See the TD Resources section of this site for details, but you basically need only register players using their NWSRS IDs, run a quality scholastic event, and submit the results for rating.

Question: Do I need to be a USCF certified tournament director in order to run a NWSRS-rated event?
Answer: No. But it's helpful if you are. If you choose not to become a USCF TD, we plan to offer online training and simple certification requirements for chess coaches and advisors who want to submit their club's events for rating. The specific requirements and procedures for rated events will be published later this year.

Question: What does it cost to have my event rated?
Answer: Nothing. Nada, Zip. Free. Kirk Winges does this as a community service because he is a really nice guy and the MS Chess Association pays to host it because we believe it should remain free to parents.